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Blogs by topics Nature spectacle

Post from 11/08/2012

Adventure Mount Etna

Situated on the north eastern coast of Sicily Mount Etna keeps on enticing tourists with the spectacle of eruptions – particularly at night time. The red shimmering…

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Post from 19/05/2011

A paradise not only for anglers

The archipelago of Lofoten with around 80 smaller and larger islands is particularly a popular holiday destination for anglers as this region has a thousand year tradition…

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Post from 06/11/2010

Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Jules Verne‘s world-famous novel “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” is about a fantastic expedition to the Icelandic volcano Snaefellsjökull. Three…

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Post from 14/05/2010

This is where the sun smiles

Dalmatia which stretches from Starigrad-Paklenica down to the southern point of Croatia is one of the most varied regions along the Adriatic Sea. Some of the conspicuous…

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